About Us


Checking voice mail, responding to e-mail, sitting in meetings, closing business deals, and returning calls on your cell phone while stuck in traffic during the morning commute. This is your life, Monday through Friday - and you thrive in it.

Your strong desire for success shows in your career and devotion to your family. The same can be said about your passion for life out of the office. You enjoy the peace and tranquility of living away from the city, the radiant view of an evening sunset, cattle grazing in the pasture, taking leisurely horseback rides, and having a few head of livestock you can call your own. You take pride in this.

Your animals are of paramount importance to you. After all, they are part of your family and way of life now. In order to relax and truly enjoy all that you have worked for, you need to have peace of mind that your animals are safely contained.    

Patriot is proudly brought to you by Datamars Livestock.

Meeting both the world’s demand for protein and its environmental challenges requires ever greater animal productivity and product traceability.

Datamars Livestock is committed to providing this by integrating various livestock management systems into a seamless solution.

With deep expertise in farm infrastructure, animal identification, weight based individual animal performance systems, data platforms and insight tools, Datamars’ solutions help producers to make better, more timely and profitable solutions.

Applied individually these solutions are valuable. Integrated and readily usable, they are invaluable.

To find out more about Datamars Livestock, visit our website livestock.datamars.com